Community Health and Benefit

Community Health Assessment (CHA)

Taking a Closer Look at the Health of Our Community

Caring for children is our passion, our commitment and our privilege at Seattle Children’s. As the pediatric and adolescent medical center covering the Washington, Alaska, Montana and Idaho (WAMI) region, we believe all children – no matter where they live – should have equal access to high-quality healthcare services and the resources they need to live the safest, healthiest and most fulfilling lives possible.

Through our pediatric Community Health Assessment (CHA), we gain a better understanding of the health needs and strengths of communities across the WAMI region. We believe that by working in partnership with others – families, healthcare providers, government agencies and community-based organizations – our efforts will have ripple effects throughout the communities we serve.

2022 Pediatric Community Health Assessment

We’re proud to share our 2022 Community Health Assessment (PDF). This assessment uses epidemiological data as well as feedback from community stakeholders and families, to describe the health of children, teens and families throughout the WAMI region.

2021/2022 Joint Community Health Needs Assessment

Together with the King County Hospitals for a Healthier Community (KCHHC) Seattle Children's published a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). In this CHNA, 10 hospitals and health systems in King County joined forces to identify important health needs and assets in the communities we serve. The report contains data on the description of community, life expectancy and leading causes of death and chronic illness. A summary of the report can be found by clicking here. Additionally, the KCHHC co-authored a 2018/2019 CHNA LGBTQ Community Spotlight Report. The summary can be found here.

Community Health Implementation Strategies

Our assessment is accompanied by our resulting Community Health Implementation Strategies (PDF) that lays out the concrete steps we are taking to respond to the needs identified and how to amplify all the wonderful community based factors already in place.  Periodically, we will be publishing progress report dashboards on these strategies, so please check back for those. We have identified the following priority areas to work on throughout the WAMI region from 2023 to 2026:

Infographic of different abilities with Health Equity and Anti-Racism

Primary community health implementation strategy

  • Mental and Behavioral Health

Secondary community health implementation strategies

  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Suicide and Injury Prevention
  • Economic Opportunity

    Contact Us

    Please email our Community Health and Benefit team to learn more about our pediatric CHA or CHIS and how you or your organization can partner with Seattle Children’s to improve the health and safety of children and families in the region.