Education and Resources for Families

7-5-2-1-0 Tips

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7-5-2-1-0 Tips

75210 TipsYour actions and what you model for your family can help guide your child to make healthy choices about what they eat and how to stay active.

7 – Start the day with breakfast 7 days a week

  • Breakfast gives you energy to start the day
  • It helps your child feel and act their best and to do their best in school
  • It helps with weight control
  • Start small if your child is not a big breakfast eater – try:
    • Low-fat yogurt and fruit
    • Whole grain cereal with fruit and low-fat milk
    • Wheat toast with peanut butter and a glass of low-fat milk
    • English muffin with lean meat, egg and low-fat cheese
    • Whole-grain tortillas and low-fat or no-fat beans

5 – Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day

  • Buy fruits and veggies that are in season
  • Try frozen when you can’t get fresh – choose those without added salt, sugars or fat
  • A serving size for your child is about the size of their palm
  • Serve fruits and veggies for snacks
  • Try them with low-fat dip or add protein with hummus, bean dip or peanut butter
  • Mix them into foods you already make
  • Cut up veggies and melons at the start of each week and store in clear containers in the fridge for easy access
  • Offer new fruits and veggies more than one way and keep in mind it can take many tries before your child decides they like a new food

2 – Aim for 2 hours or less of non-homework screen time a day

  • Plan time for being active, sleep and other healthy behaviors first
  • Make guidelines about the quality and amount of media you allow in free time
  • Turn the TV off and keep screens away during mealtimes
  • View media with your child when possible
  • Keep screens out of your child’s bedroom

Note: Avoid screen time for children under 18 months. Limit to under 1 hour for children ages 2 to 5.

1 – Be active for at least 1 hour a day

  • Encourage being active every day
  • Make changes to add more physical activity – take the stairs, walk, and choose games and toys that promote being active
  • There are lots of no-cost or low-cost options – jump rope, dance, play tag, walk a pet, throw a Frisbee, play catch

0 – Aim for 0 sugar-sweetened drinks

  • Water is the best choice when your child is thirsty – keep water on hand when you are away from home
  • Cut back slowly on sugar-sweetened drinks – for example, try adding water to juice during the switch to little or no juice
  • Choose whole fruit over juice
  • Encourage low-fat milk instead of sugar-sweetened drinks, soda, sports drinks and energy drinks