
Supporting the Community Through Sponsorships

Seattle Children’s is proud to support and partner with community organizations, non-profits, community groups, research-focused organizations and others to improve the health and safety of families and the livability of our community now and into the future.

Seattle Children’s receives many requests for support from various community groups and organizations, but we are only able to sponsor a select number of events and activities that are strongly aligned with strategic and community health priorities and meet our sponsorship guidelines. It is our goal that sponsorships benefit Seattle Children’s, the community partner and the shared vision of improving child health and well-being in the community.

We ask that one sponsorship request be submitted per organization per fiscal year (October to September).  Please look at your sponsorship needs for the year before submitting a request for sponsorship.

Please read these guidelines before completing the sponsorship form below:

Sponsorship Criteria

  • Aligns with Seattle Children’s mission, vision, values and strategic and community health priorities
  • Provides positive exposure for the Seattle Children’s brand
  • Provides tangible and measurable outcomes and benefits
  • Reaches families we serve (Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho)
  • Reaches diverse and/or underserved populations

Preference May Be Given to Organizations That:

  • Have an established relationship with Seattle Children’s, with a proven track record of success
  • Support current Seattle Children’s partnerships and/or programs
  • Have an active and ongoing presence near Seattle Children’s Hospital campus, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic or regional locations
  • Provide opportunities to advance child health and/or address one of our community health priorities
  • Have potential for a sustainable partnership or relationship

Ineligible Activities

  • Causes/events/missions that are not linked to child health or its determinants
  • National or international organizations/events that do not benefit the local community
  • Programs or activities that duplicate or conflict with Seattle Children’s efforts
  • Religious activities, in whole or in part, for the purpose of furthering religious doctrine
  • Requests that benefit an individual person or family
  • School-affiliated orchestras, bands, choirs, drama groups, yearbooks, or class/team projects
  • Auxiliary organizations, services or troops/groups
  • Travel expenses
  • Door prizes or raffles
  • General operating expenses
  • Political candidates or organizations
  • Capital or equipment
  • Film or documentary productions
  • Memorials or endowments

Proposal Review and Evaluation

Seattle Children’s reviews proposals on a quarterly basis in February, May, August and November each year. We will evaluate proposals at the first quarterly review following the date of submission. If there is a need for additional information, Children’s will contact you. We will use the criteria above to evaluate your proposal.

Deadlines for Proposal Submission

Requests should be submitted at least three to four months prior to the event or activity to ensure the request can be included as part of the quarterly review process.

Feburary 1
May 1
August 1
November 1

Submit Proposal

Sponsorship Implementation

The sponsorship team will contact you on or before your sponsorship deadline to let you know if we can sponsor your event or activity. If the sponsorship request is approved, a Seattle Children’s representative will work with you and your organization to implement the sponsorship.

Contact Us

Please send questions about our sponsorship process and criteria to: [email protected].

If you or your organization are interested in sponsoring or supporting a Seattle Children’s fundraising event, please email the Seattle Children’s Foundation and Guild Association or call 206-987-2153 or 800-635-1432 (toll-free).