
What to Expect

  • If your child needs anesthesia before a test, surgery or other procedure, your child's healthcare team will give you instructions about how to prepare. For example, your child will need to stop eating and drinking at certain times on the day before or the day of their procedure. We will give you these details in advance.
  • If your child is having surgery, they may be seen before the day of surgery in the PASS (Pre-Anesthesia Surgical Service) Clinic. During your PASS visit, a nurse practitioner will ask questions about your child's health history and do a physical exam. The nurse practitioner also will talk with you about what to expect. On the day of surgery, you will meet with your anesthesiologist before surgery to do a physical exam and talk about your child's anesthesia plan.
  • For information on visiting Seattle Children's clinics, please see Your Child's Clinic Visit.
  • For information on having surgery or another procedure at Seattle Children's, please see Your Child's Surgery or Procedure.
  • The links on the Anesthesiology Resources page may also help you and your child prepare.