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Informational Alert

Our new building on the hospital campus, Forest B, is open. Families and visitors can park in the new Forest B garage next to Emergency.

Patient and Family Education

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Video

SCDelicious: Maddie’s Banana Cake (5:13)

Food on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) can be SC-Delicious! Dr. David Suskind steps into the kitchen with patient Maddie to learn her recipes for SCD-compliant banana cake. Learn how to make this tasty treat at home!

SCDelicious: Avi’s Cheesy Crackers and Dip (6:15)

Food on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) can be SC-Delicious! Dr. David Suskind steps into the kitchen with patient Avi to learn his recipes for SCD-compliant cheesy crackers and cauliflower tahini dip. Learn how to make this tasty snack at home!