
What to Expect

Prepare for Your Clinic Visit

Learn what to expect at and how to prepare for your child's Genetics Clinic evaluation (PDF).

Information Needed Before Your Appointment – Mail 2 Weeks Before

  • Medical records from clinics, hospitals or other healthcare providers outside of Seattle Children’s. We have your child’s records from providers here.
    • Mail these records to us at least 2 weeks before your appointment, or make sure your child's primary care provider has sent us the records. Records we need are:
      • X-rays or other images that we have requested
      • Radiology and lab reports
      • Documents related to your child's condition, such as your family's history with the condition or a note stating that a parent has been diagnosed with a genetic condition
      • Genetic test results from your child or other family members if they have had testing
  • Health History Questionnaire (PDF). Fill this out and mail it to us 2 weeks before your appointment.

Directions, Parking and Entering

Find your location in our maps and directions section. Arrive 15 minutes before your appointment to allow time for registration.

More Information

For information on visiting Seattle Children's clinics, please see Your Child's Clinic Visit.