
Washington Medical-Legal Partnership

What is the Washington Medical-Legal Partnership?

The Washington Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) brings together medical providers, social workers and lawyers to address the legal needs of low-income patients and families who get care at Seattle Children’s Hospital and its Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC). Our lawyers train and advise healthcare team members so they can spot legal issues that affect patients’ health.

How can this program help my family?

If your family gets their care at Seattle Children’s Hospital or OBCC, MLP may be able to help with these and other problems:

  • Public benefits (such as loss of food stamps or being denied services for your child on Washington Apple Health)
  • Housing (for example, if the condition of your housing worsens your child’s medical condition)
  • Education (for instance, your child has special needs that the school is not meeting)

MLP also offers virtual and recorded classes for parents and caregivers about legal issues that may affect a person’s health, including:

How do I get help?

If you need legal help for a health-related problem, talk to your social worker or another member of your healthcare team at Seattle Children’s Hospital or OBCC. They can refer you to MLP. Families cannot self-refer.

MLP will follow up with your provider to learn more about why they referred you. If MLP accepts the referral, they will contact you to find out if your income qualifies you for help.


Due to high demand, Washington MLP is not able to assist all Seattle Children’s and OBCC patient families who need legal services.

Contact Us

If you would like more information about the Washington Medical-Legal Partnership: