How to Help During COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on healthcare providers – and their patients, families and staff – worldwide. In the midst of the pandemic, generous community members have reached out to Seattle Children’s offering help. We are so grateful for this outpouring of support. If you would like to make a donation to Seattle Children’s to support our COVID-19 efforts, as well as our patients, families and staff, please read the information below. Thank you for your generous support during this time.


High-Priority COVID-19 Funding Needs

  • Are there specific funding needs at Seattle Children’s during COVID-19?

    Yes, there are high priority areas through which you can support our patient families, our workforce and the greatest needs of Seattle Children’s:

    • COVID-19 Greatest Needs Fund: Help us nimbly and flexibly meet the greatest needs of Seattle Children’s as we respond to the impact of this unprecedented crisis on patients, families and our workforce. Examples of greatest needs include setting up curbside screening for patients outside of our Emergency Department, establishing drive-thru testing for staff and purchasing additional personal protective equipment for care providers. Your gift to greatest needs helps support the continued safety for patients, their families and staff during this rapidly-changing pandemic.
    • COVID-19 Mental Health Response Fund: Support the mental health needs of youth during and after the pandemic by helping Seattle Children’s provide social and emotional support, as well as resources for the growing number of patients who are in crisis.
    • Patient Emergency Assistance Fund: Provide families the basic support and services they need to take care of their child – including food, clothing, transportation, lodging, funeral expenses and gas cards. The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on so many of our patients and their families. Gifts to this fund help support families’ basic needs so they can focus on the well-being of their child.
    • Employee Emergency Assistance Fund: Provide financial relief for Seattle Children’s employees, so they can continue providing compassionate, expert care to children throughout this pandemic. Thank you for supporting our staff who may be experiencing economic hardship during COVID-19 or other emergency situations.
    • COVID-19 Research Fund: Advance promising research efforts surrounding COVID-19 – so our findings can best serve our patients, their families, our community and the world. Gifts to this fund help expedite vaccine trials and analysis to determine if a vaccine will be effective, as well as learn from the challenges of COVID-19 and develop systems and plans for the future.
  • How can I make my financial gift?

    Use the link on our website to make your gift. In the designation drop-down field, select the funding need you want to support.

Masks, Personal Protection Equipment, Medical Equipment

  • Are you accepting mask donations?

    No. We thank our generous community, for all your support and mask donations to date. At this time, we are no longer accepting mask donations.


  • Do you need hand sanitizer, gloves or cleaning products?

    No, we are unable to accept donations of hand sanitizer, gloves or cleaning products.

  • What kind of medical equipment do you need?

    We do not need any medical equipment at this time.

Support for Workforce and Patient Families

  • Can I donate gift cards for patient families?

    Yes. Gift cards that our patient families need most are Safeway, QFC, Fred Meyer and Target. Cards are distributed to families in need through our Social Work Department. Email us for more information.

    Please mail cards to:
    Seattle Children's Volunteer Services
    M/S RC.3.800
    Seattle, WA 98105

  • Can I bring meals or homemade treats to the hospital for staff and families?

    We cannot accept any homemade meals, cookies or treats.

  • Can I order a meal to be delivered to a specific person at the hospital?

    Gift cards and room service cards that can be used to order meals can be purchased by calling our Ocean Gift Shop at 206-987-6652. Please specify the person who should receive the card.

  • How can a food provider (like a restaurant or grocery store) donate meals to workforce members and patient families?

    We can accept individual pre-packaged cold meals, snacks and treats from restaurants and commercial kitchens. To arrange delivery, email us.

    We will give any surplus food to Ronald McDonald House, where many of our patient families are living while their child is in the hospital.

  • Can I drop off other items at the hospital for patients — like toys, homemade blankets, craft kits or handmade cards?

    On behalf of our patients and families, thank you for considering donating to Seattle Children’s. Your donation helps patients and families when they need it most. Please review this information before delivering any items. If you have questions, please email us.

  • Does Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic (OBCC) have specific needs?

    OBCC is a community clinic that provides medical, dental, mental health and nutrition services to all families, regardless of their ability to pay. OBCC has been committed to delivering equitable health and wellness care to lower-income and ethnically diverse children for nearly half a century.

    The impact of COVID-19 on OBCC families has been overwhelming; many are hourly employees with little to no opportunity for remote work options as they work in hospitality and service industries.

    Daily, OBCC is fielding calls from patients who request help for basic needs: food, water, sanitation and hygiene supplies, diapers, baby wipes, housing assistance, clothing and access to internet services. Families are also requesting shelter in place activities for youth and families.

    The best way you can support OBCC families is to give to the clinic’s Greatest Needs fund. Please donate on our website, and in the designation drop-down field, choose “Other” and write in “OBCC.” As the needs of families change during this pandemic, gifts to this fund will allow staff to be nimble in responding to whatever the most critical need is for OBCC families at that time.


General Questions

  • Can I help out by volunteering?

    Out of an abundance of caution for our volunteers, patients and workforce, Seattle Children’s is unable to bring volunteers into the hospital at this time.

  • What can my company do to support Seattle Children’s?

    Please refer to our COVID high-priority funding needs for financial gifts, or consider supporting our workforce and patient families with meals and in-kind gifts.

  • Does Seattle Children’s need volunteers to donate blood?

    Seattle Children’s isn’t accepting blood donations onsite, although we encourage anyone who is able to donate blood to contact Bloodworks Northwest at 800-398-7888. Bloodworks Northwest is a blood bank and medical research institute that serves 90 hospitals in western Washington and Oregon, including Seattle Children’s.

  • Is my gift tax deductible?

    When a financial gift is made, a tax receipt/thank you letter is created and sent to the donor. For in-kind donations, the supporter can fill out a form that serves as a tax ID receipt; a thank you letter is also mailed to the donor.

    *The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act expanded tax deductions for charitable giving. For taxpayers who take the standard deduction, the CARES Act created a deduction of up to $300 for cash donations made in 2020. For taxpayers who itemize, the deduction limit for charitable donations was increased. Consult a tax advisor for additional information on how you can support Seattle Children’s under these expanded charitable giving rules.