Maintenance of Certification Program (MOC)

Lead a MOC-Approved Project


Project Requirements

Projects must:

  • Have leadership at the project level that is capable of ensuring physician adherence to the participation criteria (see below)
  • Impact one or more Institute of Medicine quality dimensions: safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency and/or equity
  • Have a specific, measurable, relevant and time-appropriate aim for improvement
  • Use appropriate and relevant performance measures related to patient care at the appropriate unit of analysis (physician, clinic, care team, etc.)
  • Include appropriate intervention(s) to be tested for improvement
  • Include appropriate and repetitive data collection and reporting of performance data to assess the impact of the interventions. The frequency of data collection should be appropriate to the measures for the QI effort.
  • Possess sufficient and appropriate resources to support the successful conclusion of the activity without introducing a conflict of interest
  • Address problems participating physicians can influence in their own practice
  • Actively engage physicians
  • Use standard QI methods
  • Document participant activities and results
  • Comply with HIPAA and other regulatory/corporate integrity standards

Project Leader Requirements

MOC project leaders must:

  • Be able to lead and teach quality improvement by doing one or more of the following:
    • Complete formal quality improvement training (such as Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School)
    • CPI Leader Training (Seattle Children's Hospital only)
    • Lead a Clinical Standard Work Pathway (CSW) project (i.e., be a "CSW owner") for more than 12 months in the improvement phase (Seattle Children's Hospital only)
    • If the above do not apply, plan to obtain the necessary QI leadership skills by working with the assigned QI coach prior to the start of your project.

MOC project leader duties include:

  • Early consultation with the MOC portfolio manager to determine appropriateness of the proposed project
  • Submit an online MOC Project Application
  • Present the project to the MOC Committee for approval from the MOC Portfolio Program
  • Oversee physician participation and learning
    • Orient participants to the MOC project and process
    • Monitor meeting attendance and participation
    • Assess QI knowledge of participants and teach QI methods when indicated
    • Review and approve physician attestation form
  • Oversee MOC project
    • Lead team meetings and establish global and specific aims
    • Lead design of intervention(s)
    • Develop presentations and lead team discussion using the IHI Model for Improvement
    • Evaluate impact of intervention(s) to achieve aims
    • Oversee data collection and analysis

Getting started

Would you like to lead a MOC-approved project at Seattle Children's Hospital? Please contact the MOC team for more information and next steps.