Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Observations

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a medical observation? What do you mean by "medical" observation?

    A medical observation is an experience where individuals with or without prior medical education can observe medical professionals as they care for patients and families for a specific period of time in this healthcare facility.

  • What can I do as an observer?

    To "observe" means just that. As an observer, your role is "visitor" and is totally hands-off. You cannot provide patient care or have direct comunication with patients. Observers are not provided badges or network access, and they will escorted while on site at any Seattle Children’s facilities.

  • How long can I observe?

    Observeration experiences are usually one to two days and shall not exceed 39 hours. Observations are limited to one observation per six-month period, up to two in a 12-month period.

  • Can I get academic credit?

    No academic credit will be given. If you are in a current U.S. residency or fellowship training program, you must be processed through the Office of Graduate Medical Education at Seattle Children's as a visiting resident.

  • Is an observation the same thing as a job shadow?
  • I still have questions. Who do I contact?