Medical Student Rotations

PEDS 665 AY 23-24 Seattle-Based Clerkship Orientation Information

Welcome to Your PEDS 665 AY 23-24 Pediatric Clerkship!

Seattle Pediatric Patient Care Clerkship Medical Student Program Faculty

PEDS Patient Care Clerkship Website 

There’s a TON of information on the Pediatric Patient Care Clerkship Website, including:

  • Links to the orientation video and Clerkship Manual.
  • Link to the Clerkship Canvas page.
  • List of required assignments.
  • Study resources, and more!


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the UWSOM Clerkship Attendance and Absentee and Student Access to Anticipated Healthcare policies. Requests for anticipated time away from the clerkship must be made to the Medical Student Program. Unanticipated absences during the clerkship must be communicated to your current assigned site contact and emailed to the Medical Student Program. You are expected to be in the local area on all days, even virtual ones. If you’re planning to travel and attend virtually, the Medical Student Program still needs to be notified. 

Additional Badges

  • Some outpatient clinics require an additional badge and some of these must be obtained before your first day at the site. Please see the specific site information below. 
  • Newborn nursery sites require additional badges. Some of these must be obtained before your first day at the site. Please see the site-specific information below. 

PEDS 601 & 665 Inpatient Information

Six-week clerkship (665) students will spend two weeks on inpatient with one of the Seattle Children’s wards teams. Three-week clerkship (601) students rotate for three weeks. You will receive your team assignment with your schedule prior to the start of the clerkship. Prior to starting the inpatient portion of your clerkship, please review the following materials. Students who start on inpatient will join their teams after the half-day orientation. Otherwise, you should plan to arrive in your team room in time for morning sign-out. Further information is in the materials below.

PEDS 665 Outpatient Information

You will spend two weeks of your clerkship at a pediatric outpatient clinic in the Seattle area. You will receive your outpatient site assignment 2-4 weeks prior to the start of your clerkship. Prior to starting the outpatient portion of your clerkship, please review your clinic’s welcome information linked below:

PEDS 665 “Mixed Tape” Information

You will spend two weeks of your clerkship on a mix of shifts in the Seattle Children’s Emergency Department, caring for newborns at the UWMC or EvergreenHealth newborn nursery and participating in required didactics and SIMs. We affectionately call this portion of the clerkship “Mixed Tape”. You will receive your schedule for these two weeks at orientation, including dates, times and topics for the didactic sessions. The unscheduled time during “Mixed Tape” is designed for study, prep and personal time. Some of the didactic sessions are held in person at SC and some are over Zoom. Refer to your personal schedule for confirmation. Prior to starting the mixed tape portion of your clerkship, please take time to review the materials here: Seattle Children’s ED Experience.

Newborn Nursery Experience (UWMC and EvergreenHealth)

PEDS 665 Required Educational Sessions

Development Learning Session 

  • In-person at SC. Check your personal schedule for location.
  • Pre-work: none 
  • During this session, you will learn about the normal growth and development of children. 


  • In-person at SC. Check your personal schedule for location.
  • Pre-work: none 
  • During this session, you will participate in a simulation caring for pediatric patients experiencing acute illness. 

Aquifer Pediatric Active Learning Module: Fever 

  • In-person at SC. Check your personal schedule for location.
  • Pre-work: To prepare for this exercise we recommend completing Aquifer cases 10, 17, 23 prior to the session as they provide a clinical background related to the evaluation and management of children with fever. 
  • During this session, you will begin with a short problem set that will help you to assess your understanding of the core knowledge related to fever in the pediatric patient. After this you will work together as a group to evaluate a case of a child with a fever. 

Bio-Ethics Learning Session

  • Zoom link here.
  • During this session, you will discuss common pediatric bio-ethical issues with a member of the SC Division of Bio-Ethics.

Advocacy Workshop 

  • Zoom link here.
  • Pre-work: To prepare for the Advocacy workshop, please review the following materials: 
    1. Complete the Pre-session Survey here
    2. Tips for talking with patients and families article here
    3. Summary of evidence Word doc here.
    4. A recent excellent article by Johnson and Wright on Executions and Police Conflicts Involving Children, Adolescents and Young Adults is here
    5. Article by Armstrong & Carlson on Speaking of trauma: the race talk, the gun violence talk, and the racialization of gun trauma link here
    6. Article by Jones, a pediatric trainee titled, A Seat at the Table: Centering the Voices of Gun Violence Survivors link here

    During this session, you will explore ways physicians can serve as advocates for their patients and learn about the impact of firearms on safety 

    AMS Connect and Pager Numbers in CORES

    AMS Connect is the paging system teams use at SC, instead of carrying physical pagers. You should have received an email from SC Voice Operations with information about setting up your AMS Connect account using an app on your smart phone. If you didn’t receive/can’t find the email, email [email protected] requesting an activation e-mail and your pager #. Your AMS Connect number is the same as your pager number. There’s more info about using the app here (note that you have to be logged into the SC network or at SC to access this page on the hospital intranet). Your team is already using AMS Connect and can likely help you get things started on your phone.

    You can assign that pager # to yourself in CORES. Here’s how:

    1. Click on CORES tab to view the team list
    2. Click on the “+ More” tab, located next to the button “View Patient List” on the CORES screen
    3. Select “My Preferences” from the drop-down menu
    4. Enter pager number starting with the area code and omitting any spaces or dashes
    5. Choose paging service from drop-down menu, which should be listed on the back of the pager
    6. Check the box to enable text paging
    7. Click on the tab “Save Changes”
    8. Wait for the confirmation code to be sent to your pager
    9. Enter the code on provided line and click verify
    10. You’re done!

    Department of Pediatrics Clerkship Faculty Teaching Award

    This award is given to the University of Washington Department of Pediatrics faculty member providing a substantial contribution to medical education within the Pediatric Clerkship at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Staff and faculty within the Pediatric Student Programs office review the nominations. One UW Department of Pediatrics faculty will receive the award annually and be presented with a certificate for their achievement. The winner will be announced here in May 2024.

    The nomination deadline for the 2023-2024 Academic Year is April 14, 2024.

    Students: Use this form to nominate faculty.

    We look forward to meeting you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Medical Student Office at 206-987-2008 or [email protected]