Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Program
Program Co-Directors
Sally N. Stuart, PhD, MSW, and William O. Walker Jr., MD
Program Overview
Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) training is a unique experience that can be added to a primary fellowship in a medical or surgical specialty. First established in the mid-1960s, the LEND program was developed to train fellows in the interdisciplinary care of children, youth and young adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Fellows interact with 12 health profession disciplines and have opportunities to learn from faculty representatives in each of these areas. Fellows participate in leadership training seminars while learning from lecture and Web-based materials on disabilities and maternal and child health issues.
Fellows participate in University of Washington Center for Human Development and Disability clinics and other relevant clinics during the elective time of their primary program. Interdisciplinary experiences that are part of a primary fellowship program can be used as credit toward a LEND fellowship. Each candidate must document 300 hours spanning all of these areas.
LEND fellows are expected to complete a research or other substantive project (e.g., survey, teaching curriculum, or quality improvement project) in a relevant area. Typically, credit toward a LEND fellowship can be given for research projects that are part of the fellow's primary program. LEND fellows are expected to give a brief oral presentation at the annual LEND trainee seminar in June.
Board certification eligibility upon fellowship completion: Fellows earn a certificate of LEND training. While not currently an accredited qualification, many academic institutions serving children with neurodevelopmental disabilities understand and value this training.
Length of fellowship: Minimum 1 year; integrated with other fellowships
Number of fellowships available: Varies
Application Requirements
- Prerequisites/post-medical school requirements: Fellows must be in a recognized specialty fellowship at the University of Washington
- Application deadline: Flexible
- Interview start and end dates: Flexible
- Match date: No match
- Application
For More Information
Sally Stuart, Interdisciplinary Training Director
Clinical Training Unit, Center on Human Development and Disability
University of Washington
Box 357920
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-2513
Fax: 206-598-7815