Conference Archives

2015 Pediatric Bioethics Conference

The Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics hosted its eleventh annual pediatric bioethics conference on July 24 and 25, 2015, in Seattle. The conference featured nationally recognized speakers in bioethics and addressed a wide range of ethical issues in pediatric health care.

Videos are posted below, as are PDFs of speaker biographies and presentations.

2015 Bioethics Conference

The Delicate Triangle: Responsibilities and Challenges in the Provider-Patient-Parent Relationship

Speakers addressed a wide range of ethical issues in pediatric health care including:

  • What do you do when parents insist on shielding their child from a diagnosis?
  • How do we avoid “implicit bias” in our language and treatment of families from different religious or ethnic groups?
  • Are there communication techniques that increase vaccination rates? If so, when does persuasion in the clinical context become manipulation or coercion?
  • How and when should we inform the patient and parents when genetic testing reveals an incidental finding that has unclear implications?


All files, other than videos, are PDFs.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Must We Always Tell Children the Truth? 
John Lantos, MD (Bio)

How to Remain Calm, Kind and Courageous When Emotions Run High and Hot: Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence for Clinicians in the Service of Medical Ethics 
Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH (Bio)

A Conversation About Ethical Challenges in Patient-Provider Communications 
Douglas Diekema, MD, MPH, Moderator 
Chris Feudtner, Norman Fost, Kellie Lang, John Lantos

The Science of Unconscious Bias: What Can We Do About It? 
Janice Sabin, PhD, MSW (Bio)

Undermining the Delicate Triangle: How Implicit Bias Harms the Children We Serve 
Kellie Lang, JD, RN (Bio)

When Parents and Providers Disagree: Understanding and Responding to Conflicts in the Care of Children 
Douglas Diekema, MD, MPH (Bio)

Telling the Truth: It’s Harder Than It Looks – Reflections on Tough Cases 
Norman Fost, MD, MPH (Bio)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Accountability After Pediatric Adverse Events: Recent Developments and New Directions 
Thomas Gallagher, MD (Bio)

Shared Decision-Making: A Decrepit Concept? 
Douglas J. Opel, MD, MPH (Bio)

Doctors, Parents and Wikipedia: Communicating with the Internet-Savvy Parent 
John Lantos, MD (Bio)

Breakout Sessions: Presentation and Discussion of Submitted Cases

  • Best Practice in Pediatric Health Care Provider/Parent Interactions 
    Susan Albersheim, MD, PhD (Bio)
  • Physician as Gatekeeper: Fetal Surgery, Living-Donor Transplantation and the Limits of Altruism 
    Ryan Antiel, MD, MA (Bio)
  • Severe Congenital Anomalies in the Fetus or Infant: Shared “Best-Interests” Decision Making for Ambiguous Outcomes 
    Dalia Feltman, MD, MA (Bio)
  • Challenging the Delicate Triangle: Bringing Social Issues into the Conversation About Technology Dependence 
    Carrie Henderson, MD (Bio)
  • Communication in Pediatric Ethics Consultations: A Retrospective Review 
    Erin Johnson, MD (Bio)
  • The Prenatal Consultation for Extremely Preterm Neonates: Ethical Pitfalls and Proposed Solutions 
    Jennifer Kett, MD, MA (Bio)
  • Decision-Making in Neonatal Intensive Care: A Qualitative Empirical Study of Parental Preferences 
    Elliott Weiss, MD (Bio)
  • Communication and Limited Resuscitation in the Pediatric Operating Room 
    Aaron Wightman, MD, MA (Bio)