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Informational Alert

Our new building on the hospital campus, Forest B, is open. Families and visitors can park in the new Forest B garage next to Emergency.


July 11, 2023

Cover of Stem Cell Reports journalThe MacDuffie lab publishes the first data collected on attitudes of biospecimen donors towards brain organoid research in Stem Cell Reports.

May 19, 2023

Lab members at poster presentationSenior Chloe Dahleen presents her poster, “Brain Organoids Versus Mini-Brains: Assessing the Impact of Terminology on Public Perception of Novel Neuroscientific Research,” at the University of Washington Undergraduate Research Symposium. Congratulations, Chloe!

(Photo info: Erika Versalovic, Kate MacDuffie, Chloe Dahleen, Sara Goering; photo courtesy of Sara Goering)