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Informational Alert

Our new building on the hospital campus, Forest B, is open. Families and visitors can park in the new Forest B garage next to Emergency.



Klein E, Montes Daza N, Dasgupta I, MacDuffie K, Schönau A, Flynn G, Song D, Goering S
Views of stakeholders at risk for dementia about deep brain stimulation for cognition.
37076043 Brain stimulation, 2023 Apr 17

MacDuffie KE
The Right Tool for the Job: A Taxonomy for Stakeholder Engagement
American Journal of Bioethics, 2023 : 23(1)33-35

MacDuffie KE
What Brain Organoid Research Can Gain From Engaging Biospecimen Donors.
35324405 AJOB neuroscience, 2022 April : 13(2)95-97

MacDuffie KE, Patneaude A, Bell S, Adiele A, Makhija N, Wilfond B, Opel D
Addressing racism in the healthcare encounter: The role of clinical ethics consultants.
35132655 Bioethics, 2022 March : 36(3)313-317

MacDuffie KE, Ransom S, Klein E
Neuroethics Inside and Out: A Comparative Survey of Neural Device Industry Representatives and the General Public on Ethical Issues and Principles in Neurotechnology.
33787456 AJOB neuroscience, 2022 Jan. : 13(1)44-54

Madrigal V, MacDuffie K, Paquette ET
Addressing Racism in the Healthcare Encounter: The Role of Clinical Ethics Consultants.
36137202 The Journal of clinical ethics, 2022 : 33(3)202-209

MacDuffie KE, Hyun I, Krogen MM, Dempsey JC, Murry CE, Copp AJ, Glass IA, Doherty D
Rescuing human fetal tissue research in the United States: A call for additional regulatory reform.
34822773 Stem cell reports, 2021 Dec 14 : 16(12)2839-2843 PMCID:PMC8693650

MacDuffie KE, Estes AM, Peay HL, Pruett JR Jr, Wilfond BS
The Ethics of Predicting Autism Spectrum Disorder in Infancy.
33482291 Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2021 Aug. : 60(8)942-945 PMCID:PMC8629367

MacDuffie KE, Estes AM, Harrington LT, Peay HL, Piven J, Pruett JR Jr, Wolff JJ, Wilfond BS
Presymptomatic Detection and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
33853890 Pediatrics, 2021 May : 147(5) PMCID:PMC8085996

MacDuffie KE, Kleinhans NM, Stout K, Wilfond BS
Protection Versus Progress: The Challenge of Research on Cannabis Use During Pregnancy.
32737240 Pediatrics, 2020 Aug. : 146(Suppl 1)S93-S98

Contact Us

For questions or inquiries:
[email protected]

Physical Address

Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics and Palliative Care
Jack R. MacDonald Building
1900 Ninth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98101