Research Centers and Programs

More About the CCTR

Our Vision

We will be the bridge to advance laboratory discoveries from the institute toward new and innovative treatments that will potentially prevent and cure childhood illnesses and improve the quality of children's daily lives. We will advance the science of clinical research by focusing on new methods to conduct better research in children and mentor new clinical scientists to become tomorrow's leaders.

Our Science

Clinical and translational research are essential steps in the development of treatments that transform the health of children. The Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR) is home to more than 400 research faculty and staff members from over 30 subdivisions and is the hub for clinical investigation and therapeutic development at Seattle Children's Research Institute. Learn more about our faculty members.

The center plays an integral role locally, nationally and internationally in turning scientific discoveries into improved treatments for children. Building on a history of ground-breaking achievements, CCTR investigators and staff are working together to develop next generation therapies for a wide range of pediatric diseases and disorders. 

Our Priorities

  • Serve as leaders in the design and conduct of high impact clinical research for all aspects of pediatric medicine
  • Provide infrastructure, including exceptional research staff and state of the art facilities, for the safe, efficient and ethical conduct of research involving children
  • Attract world class investigators, support current investigators and nurture future leaders through mentoring and seed funding
  • Partner with the Clinical and Translational Science Award consortium and other local, national and international investigators in the development of new clinical outcome measures, study designs, bioinformatic tools and statistical methodologies to optimize clinical research involving children
  • Foster close collaboration between clinicians and basic scientists to efficiently translate scientific discoveries into future pediatric therapies

Our Services

CCTR provides the infrastructure and knowledge Seattle Children's researchers need to develop innovations that will advance pediatric care and speed improvements to children's health.

  • To learn more about core services proved at Seattle Children’s, please visit the Research Integration Hub. You can additionally meet with the Research Integration Hub’s Research Navigator to receive guidance on how to start and conduct clinical research at Seattle Children’s. Email [email protected] for additional questions.
  • CCTR's funding and educational programs are designed to foster new investigators and new ideas. First, we lay the foundation for long and productive research careers with mentoring support and collaborative seminars for promising young investigators. Second, we provide seed money for innovative research projects, helping generate the preliminary results needed to attract additional external funding. Contact the CCTR Program Manager for additional questions about intramural funding.
  • The CCTR Business Office supports center investigators and staff by providing:
    • Budget planning and oversight
    • Space management
    • Human resources and administrative support
    • Pre- and post-award grant and contract administration in accordance with sponsor guidelines and Seattle Children's Research Institute policies and procedures

Become a CCTR Member

To apply for membership, please follow this link to fill out and submit the online membership form.

Membership benefits can be viewed here.

Please contact the CCTR admin with any questions about the membership process.