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See a complete list of Dr. Adrian Piliponsky’s publications on PubMed.


Samanas NB, Murphy RC, Miralda I, Hallstrand TS, Piliponsky AM
Neutrophilic asthma at an inhibitory checkpoint: A PD-1-targeted approach.
36463980 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2023 Feb. : 151(2)420-422

Doke T, Abedini A, Aldridge DL, Yang YW, Park J, Hernandez CM, Balzer MS, Shrestra R, Coppock G, Rico JMI, Han SY, Kim J, Xin S, Piliponsky AM, Angelozzi M, Lefebvre V, Siracusa MC, Hunter CA, Susztak K
Single-cell analysis identifies the interaction of altered renal tubules with basophils orchestrating kidney fibrosis.
35552540 Nature immunology, 2022 June : 23(6)947-959

Saha SS, Samanas NB, Miralda I, Shubin NJ, Niino K, Bhise G, Acharya M, Seo AJ, Camp N, Deutsch GH, James RG, Piliponsky AM
Mast cell surfaceome characterization reveals CD98 heavy chain is critical for optimal cell function.
34324892 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2022 Feb. : 149(2)685-697 PMCID:PMC8792104

Al-Shaikhly T, Murphy RC, Parker A, Lai Y, Altman MC, Larmore M, Altemeier WA, Frevert CW, Debley JS, Piliponsky AM, Ziegler SF, Peters MC, Hallstrand TS
Location of eosinophils in the airway wall is critical for specific features of airway hyperresponsiveness and T2 inflammation in asthma.
35027395 The European respiratory journal, 2022 Jan 13

Allenspach EJ, Shubin NJ, Cerosaletti K, Mikacenic C, Gorman JA, MacQuivey MA, Rosen ABI, Timms AE, Wray-Dutra MN, Niino K, Liggitt D, Wurfel MM, Buckner JH, Piliponsky AM, Rawlings DJ
The Autoimmune Risk R262W Variant of the Adaptor SH2B3 Improves Survival in Sepsis.
34740959 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 2021 Dec 1 : 207(11)2710-2719 PMCID:PMC8612972

Okamura DM, Brewer CM, Wakenight P, Bahrami N, Bernardi K, Tran A, Olson J, Shi X, Yeh SY, Piliponsky A, Collins SJ, Nguyen ED, Timms AE, MacDonald JW, Bammler TK, Nelson BR, Millen KJ, Beier DR, Majesky MW
Spiny mice activate unique transcriptional programs after severe kidney injury regenerating organ function without fibrosis.
34849462 iScience, 2021 Nov 19 : 24(11)103269 PMCID:PMC8609232

Murphy RC, Lai Y, Barrow KA, Hamerman JA, Lacy-Hulbert A, Piliponsky AM, Ziegler SF, Altemeier WA, Debley JS, Gharib SA, Hallstrand TS
Effects of Asthma and Human Rhinovirus A16 on the Expression of SARS-CoV-2 Entry Factors in Human Airway Epithelium.
32946274 American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 2020 Dec. : 63(6)859-863 PMCID:PMC7790138

Shubin NJ, Clauson M, Niino K, Kasprzak V, Tsuha A, Guga E, Bhise G, Acharya M, Snyder JM, Debley JS, Ziegler SF, Piliponsky AM
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin protects in a model of airway damage and inflammation via regulation of caspase-1 activity and apoptosis inhibition.
32103153 Mucosal immunology, 2020 July : 13(4)584-594 PMCID:PMC7312418

Shubin NJ, Navalkar K, Sampson D, Yager TD, Cermelli S, Seldon T, Sullivan E, Zimmerman JJ, Permut LC, Piliponsky AM
Serum Protein Changes in Pediatric Sepsis Patients Identified With an Aptamer-Based Multiplexed Proteomic Approach.
31714400 Critical care medicine, 2020 Jan. : 48(1)e48-e57

Piliponsky AM, Galli SJ
Adoptive Transfer of Basophils Enriched from Mouse Spleen.
33654915 Bio-protocol, 2019 Nov 5 : 9(21)e3416 PMCID:PMC7853924

Altman MC, Lai Y, Nolin JD, Long S, Chen CC, Piliponsky AM, Altemeier WA, Larmore M, Frevert CW, Mulligan MS, Ziegler SF, Debley JS, Peters MC, Hallstrand TS
Airway epithelium-shifted mast cell infiltration regulates asthmatic inflammation via IL-33 signaling.
31437129 The Journal of clinical investigation, 2019 Nov 1 : 129(11)4979-4991 PMCID:PMC6819127

Piliponsky AM, Acharya M, Shubin NJ
Mast Cells in Viral, Bacterial, and Fungal Infection Immunity.
31212724 International journal of molecular sciences, 2019 Jun 12 : 20(12) PMCID:PMC6627964

Piliponsky AM, Shubin NJ, Lahiri AK, Truong P, Clauson M, Niino K, Tsuha AL, Nedospasov SA, Karasuyama H, Reber LL, Tsai M, Mukai K, Galli SJ
Basophil-derived tumor necrosis factor can enhance survival in a sepsis model in mice.
30664762 Nature immunology, 2019 Feb. : 20(2)129-140 PMCID:PMC6352314

Reeves SR, Barrow KA, Rich LM, White MP, Shubin NJ, Chan CK, Kang I, Ziegler SF, Piliponsky AM, Wight TN, Debley JS
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection of Human Lung Fibroblasts Induces a Hyaluronan-Enriched Extracellular Matrix That Binds Mast Cells and Enhances Expression of Mast Cell Proteases.
32047499 Frontiers in immunology, 2019 : 103159 PMCID:PMC6997473

Gendrin C, Shubin NJ, Boldenow E, Merillat S, Clauson M, Power D, Doran KS, Abrink M, Pejler G, Rajagopal L, Piliponsky AM
Mast cell chymase decreases the severity of group B Streptococcus infections.
28916188 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2018 July : 142(1)120-129.e6 PMCID:PMC5847414

Piliponsky AM, Romani L
The contribution of mast cells to bacterial and fungal infection immunity.
29431211 Immunological reviews, 2018 March : 282(1)188-197 PMCID:PMC5812373

Nolin JD, Lai Y, Ogden HL, Manicone AM, Murphy RC, An D, Frevert CW, Ghomashchi F, Naika GS, Gelb MH, Gauvreau GM, Piliponsky AM, Altemeier WA, Hallstrand TS
Secreted PLA2 group X orchestrates innate and adaptive immune responses to inhaled allergen.
29093264 JCI insight, 2017 Nov 2 : 2(21) PMCID:PMC5752296

Shubin NJ, Glukhova VA, Clauson M, Truong P, Abrink M, Pejler G, White NJ, Deutsch GH, Reeves SR, Vaisar T, James RG, Piliponsky AM
Proteome analysis of mast cell releasates reveals a role for chymase in the regulation of coagulation factor XIIIA levels via proteolytic degradation.
27302551 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2017 Jan. : 139(1)323-334 PMCID:PMC5107356

Piliponsky AM, Lahiri A, Truong P, Clauson M, Shubin NJ, Han H, Ziegler SF
Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Improves Survival and Reduces Inflammation in Sepsis.
26934097 American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 2016 Aug. : 55(2)264-74 PMCID:PMC4979369

Gendrin C, Vornhagen J, Ngo L, Whidbey C, Boldenow E, Santana-Ufret V, Clauson M, Burnside K, Galloway DP, Adams Waldorf KM, Piliponsky AM, Rajagopal L
Mast cell degranulation by a hemolytic lipid toxin decreases GBS colonization and infection.
26425734 Science advances, 2015 Jul 17 : 1(6)e1400225 PMCID:PMC4584422

Lai Y, Altemeier WA, Vandree J, Piliponsky AM, Johnson B, Appel CL, Frevert CW, Hyde DM, Ziegler SF, Smith DE, Henderson WR Jr, Gelb MH, Hallstrand TS
Increased density of intraepithelial mast cells in patients with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction regulated through epithelially derived thymic stromal lymphopoietin and IL-33.
24220317 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2014 May : 133(5)1448-55 PMCID:PMC4004718

Schäfer B, Piliponsky AM, Oka T, Song CH, Gerard NP, Gerard C, Tsai M, Kalesnikoff J, Galli SJ
Mast cell anaphylatoxin receptor expression can enhance IgE-dependent skin inflammation in mice.
22728083 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2013 Feb. : 131(2)541-8.e1-9 PMCID:PMC3597773

Schäfer B, Piliponsky AM, Oka T, Song CH, Gerard NP, Gerard C, Tsai M, Kalesnikoff J, Galli SJ
Mast cell anaphylatoxin receptor expression can enhance IgE-dependent skin inflammation in mice.
22728083 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2013 Feb. : 131(2)541-8.e1-9 PMCID:PMC3597773

Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Rios EJ, Treuting PM, Lahiri A, Abrink M, Pejler G, Tsai M, Galli SJ
The chymase mouse mast cell protease 4 degrades TNF, limits inflammation, and promotes survival in a model of sepsis.
22901752 The American journal of pathology, 2012 Sept. : 181(3)875-86 PMCID:PMC3432424

Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Rios EJ, Treuting PM, Lahiri A, Abrink M, Pejler G, Tsai M, Galli SJ
The chymase mouse mast cell protease 4 degrades TNF, limits inflammation, and promotes survival in a model of sepsis.
22901752 The American journal of pathology, 2012 Sept. : 181(3)875-86 PMCID:PMC3432424

Lilla JN, Chen CC, Mukai K, BenBarak MJ, Franco CB, Kalesnikoff J, Yu M, Tsai M, Piliponsky AM, Galli SJ
Reduced mast cell and basophil numbers and function in Cpa3-Cre; Mcl-1fl/fl mice.
22001390 Blood, 2011 Dec 22 : 118(26)6930-8 PMCID:PMC3245213

Lilla JN, Chen CC, Mukai K, BenBarak MJ, Franco CB, Kalesnikoff J, Yu M, Tsai M, Piliponsky AM, Galli SJ
Reduced mast cell and basophil numbers and function in Cpa3-Cre; Mcl-1fl/fl mice.
22001390 Blood, 2011 Dec. : 118(26)6930-8 PMCID:PMC3245213

Akahoshi M, Song CH, Piliponsky AM, Metz M, Guzzetta A, Abrink M, Schlenner SM, Feyerabend TB, Rodewald HR, Pejler G, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cell chymase reduces the toxicity of Gila monster venom, scorpion venom, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in mice.
21926462 The Journal of clinical investigation, 2011 Oct. : 121(10)4180-91 PMCID:PMC3195461

Akahoshi M, Song CH, Piliponsky AM, Metz M, Guzzetta A, Abrink M, Schlenner SM, Feyerabend TB, Rodewald HR, Pejler G, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cell chymase reduces the toxicity of Gila monster venom, scorpion venom, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide in mice.
21926462 The Journal of clinical investigation, 2011 Oct. : 121(10)4180-91 PMCID:PMC3195461

Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Grimbaldeston MA, Burns-Guydish SM, Hardy J, Kalesnikoff J, Contag CH, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cell-derived TNF can exacerbate mortality during severe bacterial infections in C57BL/6-KitW-sh/W-sh mice.
20035049 The American journal of pathology, 2010 Feb. : 176(2)926-38 PMCID:PMC2808097

Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Grimbaldeston MA, Burns-Guydish SM, Hardy J, Kalesnikoff J, Contag CH, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cell-derived TNF can exacerbate mortality during severe bacterial infections in C57BL/6-KitW-sh/W-sh mice.
20035049 The American journal of pathology, 2010 Feb. : 176(2)926-38 PMCID:PMC2808097

Rios EJ, Piliponsky AM, Ra C, Kalesnikoff J, Galli SJ
Rabaptin-5 regulates receptor expression and functional activation in mast cells.
18698003 Blood, 2008 Nov 15 : 112(10)4148-57 PMCID:PMC2582003

Rios EJ, Piliponsky AM, Ra C, Kalesnikoff J, Galli SJ
Rabaptin-5 regulates receptor expression and functional activation in mast cells.
18698003 Blood, 2008 Nov. : 112(10)4148-57 PMCID:PMC2582003

Galli SJ, Tsai M, Piliponsky AM
The development of allergic inflammation.
18650915 Nature, 2008 Jul 24 : 454(7203)445-54 PMCID:PMC3573758

Galli SJ, Tsai M, Piliponsky AM
The development of allergic inflammation.
18650915 Nature, 2008 July : 454(7203)445-54 PMCID:PMC3573758

Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Nishimura T, Metz M, Rios EJ, Dobner PR, Wada E, Wada K, Zacharias S, Mohanasundaram UM, Faix JD, Abrink M, Pejler G, Pearl RG, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Neurotensin increases mortality and mast cells reduce neurotensin levels in a mouse model of sepsis.
18376408 Nature medicine, 2008 April : 14(4)392-8 PMCID:PMC2873870

Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Nishimura T, Metz M, Rios EJ, Dobner PR, Wada E, Wada K, Zacharias S, Mohanasundaram UM, Faix JD, Abrink M, Pejler G, Pearl RG, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Neurotensin increases mortality and mast cells reduce neurotensin levels in a mouse model of sepsis.
18376408 Nature medicine, 2008 April : 14(4)392-8 PMCID:PMC2873870

Metz M, Grimbaldeston MA, Nakae S, Piliponsky AM, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cells in the promotion and limitation of chronic inflammation.
17498068 Immunological reviews, 2007 June : 217304-28

Metz M, Grimbaldeston MA, Nakae S, Piliponsky AM, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cells in the promotion and limitation of chronic inflammation.
17498068 Immunological reviews, 2007 June : 217304-28

Nishimura T, Myles T, Piliponsky AM, Kao PN, Berry GJ, Leung LL
Thrombin-activatable procarboxypeptidase B regulates activated complement C5a in vivo.
17105819 Blood, 2007 Mar 1 : 109(5)1992-7 PMCID:PMC1801069

Nishimura T, Myles T, Piliponsky AM, Kao PN, Berry GJ, Leung LL
Thrombin-activatable procarboxypeptidase B regulates activated complement C5a in vivo.
17105819 Blood, 2007 March : 109(5)1992-7 PMCID:PMC1801069

Metz M, Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Lammel V, Abrink M, Pejler G, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cells can enhance resistance to snake and honeybee venoms.
16873664 Science (New York, N.Y.), 2006 Jul 28 : 313(5786)526-30

Metz M, Piliponsky AM, Chen CC, Lammel V, Abrink M, Pejler G, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cells can enhance resistance to snake and honeybee venoms.
16873664 Science (New York, N.Y.), 2006 July : 313(5786)526-30

Berent-Maoz B, Piliponsky AM, Daigle I, Simon HU, Levi-Schaffer F
Human mast cells undergo TRAIL-induced apoptosis.
16455983 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 2006 Feb 15 : 176(4)2272-8

Berent-Maoz B, Piliponsky AM, Daigle I, Simon HU, Levi-Schaffer F
Human mast cells undergo TRAIL-induced apoptosis.
16455983 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 2006 Feb. : 176(4)2272-8

Puxeddu I, Bader R, Piliponsky AM, Reich R, Levi-Schaffer F, Berkman N
The CC chemokine eotaxin/CCL11 has a selective profibrogenic effect on human lung fibroblasts.
16387592 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2006 Jan. : 117(1)103-10

Puxeddu I, Bader R, Piliponsky AM, Reich R, Levi-Schaffer F, Berkman N
The CC chemokine eotaxin/CCL11 has a selective profibrogenic effect on human lung fibroblasts.
16387592 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2006 Jan. : 117(1)103-10

Matsuda K, Piliponsky AM, Iikura M, Nakae S, Wang EW, Dutta SM, Kawakami T, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Monomeric IgE enhances human mast cell chemokine production: IL-4 augments and dexamethasone suppresses the response.
16337471 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2005 Dec. : 116(6)1357-63

Matsuda K, Piliponsky AM, Iikura M, Nakae S, Wang EW, Dutta SM, Kawakami T, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Monomeric IgE enhances human mast cell chemokine production: IL-4 augments and dexamethasone suppresses the response.
16337471 The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2005 Dec. : 116(6)1357-63

Grimbaldeston MA, Chen CC, Piliponsky AM, Tsai M, Tam SY, Galli SJ
Mast cell-deficient W-sash c-kit mutant Kit W-sh/W-sh mice as a model for investigating mast cell biology in vivo.
16127161 The American journal of pathology, 2005 Sept. : 167(3)835-48 PMCID:PMC1698741

Grimbaldeston MA, Chen CC, Piliponsky AM, Tsai M, Tam SY, Galli SJ
Mast cell-deficient W-sash c-kit mutant Kit W-sh/W-sh mice as a model for investigating mast cell biology in vivo.
16127161 The American journal of pathology, 2005 Sept. : 167(3)835-48 PMCID:PMC1698741

Puxeddu I, Alian A, Piliponsky AM, Ribatti D, Panet A, Levi-Schaffer F
Human peripheral blood eosinophils induce angiogenesis.
15618019 The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 2005 March : 37(3)628-36

Puxeddu I, Alian A, Piliponsky AM, Ribatti D, Panet A, Levi-Schaffer F
Human peripheral blood eosinophils induce angiogenesis.
15618019 The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 2005 March : 37(3)628-36

Galli SJ, Kalesnikoff J, Grimbaldeston MA, Piliponsky AM, Williams CM, Tsai M
Mast cells as "tunable" effector and immunoregulatory cells: recent advances.
15771585 Annual review of immunology, 2005 : 23749-86

Galli SJ, Kalesnikoff J, Grimbaldeston MA, Piliponsky AM, Williams CM, Tsai M
Mast cells as "tunable" effector and immunoregulatory cells: recent advances.
15771585 Annual review of immunology, 2005 : 23749-86

Maurer M, Wedemeyer J, Metz M, Piliponsky AM, Weller K, Chatterjea D, Clouthier DE, Yanagisawa MM, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cells promote homeostasis by limiting endothelin-1-induced toxicity.
15543132 Nature, 2004 Nov 25 : 432(7016)512-6

Maurer M, Wedemeyer J, Metz M, Piliponsky AM, Weller K, Chatterjea D, Clouthier DE, Yanagisawa MM, Tsai M, Galli SJ
Mast cells promote homeostasis by limiting endothelin-1-induced toxicity.
15543132 Nature, 2004 Nov. : 432(7016)512-6

Levi-Schaffer F, Piliponsky AM
Tryptase, a novel link between allergic inflammation and fibrosis.
12697439 Trends in immunology, 2003 April : 24(4)158-61

Levi-Schaffer F, Piliponsky AM
Tryptase, a novel link between allergic inflammation and fibrosis.
12697439 Trends in immunology, 2003 April : 24(4)158-61

Piliponsky AM, Gleich GJ, Nagler A, Bar I, Levi-Schaffer F
Non-IgE-dependent activation of human lung- and cord blood-derived mast cells is induced by eosinophil major basic protein and modulated by the membrane form of stem cell factor.
12393403 Blood, 2003 Mar 1 : 101(5)1898-904

Piliponsky AM, Gleich GJ, Nagler A, Bar I, Levi-Schaffer F
Non-IgE-dependent activation of human lung- and cord blood-derived mast cells is induced by eosinophil major basic protein and modulated by the membrane form of stem cell factor.
12393403 Blood, 2003 March : 101(5)1898-904

Solomon A, Piliponsky AM, Peer J, Levi-Schaffer F.
Mast cells as initiators and effectors of allergic inflammation. In: New Trends in Allergy V
(Ring J, Behrendt H, Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg 2003., 2003

Piliponsky AM, Gleich GJ, Bar I, Levi-Schaffer F
Effects of eosinophils on mast cells: a new pathway for the perpetuation of allergic inflammation.
12217410 Molecular immunology, 2002 Sept. : 38(16-18)1369

Piliponsky AM, Gleich GJ, Bar I, Levi-Schaffer F
Effects of eosinophils on mast cells: a new pathway for the perpetuation of allergic inflammation.
12217410 Molecular immunology, 2002 Sept. : 38(16-18)1369

Levi-Schaffer F, Micera A, Zamir E, Mechoulam H, Puxeddu I, Piliponsky AM, Aloe L, Pe'er J
Nerve growth factor and eosinophils in inflamed juvenile conjunctival nevus.
12036989 Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2002 June : 43(6)1850-6

Levi-Schaffer F, Micera A, Zamir E, Mechoulam H, Puxeddu I, Piliponsky AM, Aloe L, Pe'er J
Nerve growth factor and eosinophils in inflamed juvenile conjunctival nevus.
12036989 Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 2002 June : 43(6)1850-6