Science Education Department

Science Adventure Lab

Elementary school students onboard the mobile Science Adventure LabRequest a Science Adventure Lab Visit

Applications are now open for Science Adventure Lab visits for students in grades 4–8 during the 2023–2024 school year. Apply now.

Please note that we can only accept applications from teachers, school staff or administrators. 

We typically receive more requests for visits than we can accommodate, so submitting an application does not guarantee a visit. All applications are carefully reviewed and prioritized according to the following criteria: The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-priced lunch; whether the school is eligible for Title I funding; and the location of the school.

If you have any questions, please email the Science Adventure Lab team.

Science Adventure Lab Curriculum

Each curriculum module is designed to enrich existing classroom education; provide students with highly-relevant experiential learning opportunities; and help develop the scientific and critical thinking skills needed for today’s careers. To achieve this, the modules incorporate the principles of inquiry-based learning; components of the scientific method; and science process skills such as observation, measurement, prediction and experimentation. All of the modules were developed using the 5E Instructional Model and support the relevant Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards.

There are three components to each module:

  • A pre-visit activity taught by the classroom teacher
  • Hands-on experiments and activities conducted aboard the Science Adventure Lab during a visit to the school
  • A post-visit activity taught by the classroom teacher

All curriculum topics are carefully chosen based on the potential to teach key science skills and health information; the relevance to child health; and the opportunity to expose students to careers in science and healthcare.

View available in-person elementary school curriculum modules, appropriate for students in grades 4–6.

View available middle school curriculum modules, appropriate for students in grades 7-8.

Do you have students in Kindergarten through grade 3? Check out our video resources.

Science Adventure Lab Safety

Safety is our priority. We have numerous precautions in place to ensure the safety of students and staff. These safety precautions include HEPA filtration, 15 air changes per hour (a standard classroom is required to have 4–6), and fully vaccinated instructors.