Legacy IRB Forms

Other IRB Forms

As of March 1, 2016, all new applications, modifications, renewals, reportable new information and other work must be submitted to the HSPP via Click IRB. Visit the Click IRB Resources page for additional information.

  • Request for Tissue for Use in Research
    • For any of the research scenarios listed below, please fill out a RLS New Study form and check the box for "Requires Pathology review of study tissue requirements."
      • If your research project involves the use of tissue collected from Seattle Children's patients
      • If your research will use tissue to be collected prospectively, i.e., tissue that will be removed during a scheduled surgery or procedure
      • If your research will use tissue that has already been collected from patients and stored (archived)
  • Case Report Consent Form
    • Consent for Case Reports: Out of respect for persons, obtaining the permissions of the patient or their parent is strongly encouraged for all case reports. Please see the sample consent form.