Infusion Services

Meet Your Team

As we provide infusions, we work with you to meet the unique emotional, developmental and cultural needs of your child and family.

  • Our nurses have special training to give infusions safely to children, teens and young adults.
  • Our advanced practice providers (APPs) are on-site to respond to infusion-related emergencies such as allergic or infusion reactions. They also help share information between your child’s primary team and the infusion nurses. APPs are nurse practitioners or physician assistants. At all times, one APP watches over the patients receiving infusions for medical conditions other than cancer. A second APP cares for patients who are receiving blood transfusions or infusions to treat cancer.  
  • Child Life therapists help you and your child ease tension, express concerns and fears and feel more in control over your infusion clinic experience.


  • Susan L Holtzclaw, ARNP, MSN

    Susan L Holtzclaw, ARNP, MSN

    Neuro-oncology Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Director of APP Practice: Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, Infusion Services, Apheresis and Immunology

  • Sheryl Gudaitis, RN, BSN, CNML, nurse manager

    Sheryl Gudaitis, RN, BSN, CNML, nurse manager

  • Lisa Guenser-Onstot, RN, BSN, nurse manager

    Lisa Guenser-Onstot, RN, BSN, nurse manager

  • Paul Kim, scheduling supervisor

    Paul Kim, scheduling supervisor

  • Leah Kroon, MA, MN, RN, CPHON, nurse practice specialist

    Leah Kroon, MA, MN, RN, CPHON, nurse practice specialist

  • Karen M Kilian, ARNP, MN


Infusion APPs

The advanced practice providers (APPs) listed here manage infusions for medical conditions other than cancer. Chemotherapy infusions are managed by APPs on the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center team.

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Child Life Therapists

  • Erin Behen, MS, CCLS, Outpatient Clinic and Proton Therapy Center

  • Samantha Collar, MS, CCLS, Infusion Center

  • Alicia Sevilla, BSW, MS, CCLS, Outpatient Clinic

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  • Sarah Nielsen

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Contact Us

For more information, contact Infusion Services at 206-987-5700. If you would like an appointment, ask your child’s primary care provider to refer you.